(301) 220 2802
If you are just starting out in IT, with little experience, our Help Desk Technician training package is a great place to start. This training progam can take you from computer novice to Help Desk expert at a faster pace and less expense than singing up for each class individually.
The Help Desk Technician training package Includes 4 of our most popular courses and 136 hours of classroom instruction. You will start with a self-pace course just to get you familiar with computers and then move on to the two must-have certifications in the IT help desk field - CompTIA A+ and Network+. We round out this package with two essential Microsoft Windows 10 courses.
The package includes all you need to get a firm setting in Help Desk careers including all Courseware, exam vouchers and our 'Price and Quality Guarantee'
**Financing is available on request